Season five of Supernatural, an American television series, began airing on September 10, 2009. Season five regular cast members include Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins.
Mark Pellegrino plays the role of Lucifer, who was freed from Hell at the end of Season 4. Paris Hilton guest starred for the episode "Fallen Idols," in which she played Leshii, a pagan god that takes the form of various well-known faces including herself. Both Jo and her mother Ellen Harvelle returned, as Kripke revealed at the 2009 Comic-Con. Additionally, hunter Rufus and the prophet Chuck make appearances. Season 5 focuses on the mending of Sam and Dean's wrecked relationship and the Apocalypse.
Episode 01: Click over to watch movie
Episode 02: Click over to watch movie
Episode 03: Click over to watch movie
Episode 09: Click over to watch movie